Local business owner supports papers

As a local business owner, I value the option to contribute to the Messenger, Connector, and Monitor through our advertising. I am happy to support a local paper that puts out quality journalism month after month and that represents the diversity of our community.

The Messenger, Connector, and Monitor are an asset to our neighborhoods. These papers consistently produce quality journalism that highlight stories and people from our community that I would otherwise not hear about. It's a breath of fresh air at a time when so much news feels distant and out of touch with our day-to-day lives. ~ Joe Hayes of Hayes Window Restoration

Article was uplifting and satisfying

I just want to mention how much I appreciate the Southwest Connector, and to especially compliment the paper on the recent article by Jill Boogren regarding the two students from the Yinghua Academy. 

The recent article was both uplifting and satisfying -  its great to expose a wider audience to the existence of immersion schools such as this one, and to show the impact they can have on children's lives. Global travel is an awesome way to broaden horizons and get to know how much we all have in common with people of other cultures and languages, and the two young girls described in the article both sound amazing. Well done girls, and well done Jill Boogren  for her really outstanding article about their experience. 

This is the type of "small" story that will never make the main news paper yet can be so meaningful, especially in todays partisan climate. It was feel good, but also educational and made me proud of Minneapolis, for supporting schools such as this one and also of the Southwest Connector, for seeing the value in writing about it.

Thank you for providing a balance between hard, factual, neighborhood news and interesting human interest stories. Keep up the good work!!

Cindy Merten

Vibrant newspaper

Congratulations on producing a really vibrant local newspaper. Jim Lundy, Applause Community Theater

Thanks for your hard work

It is an important local resource, and so THANK YOU for your hard work in publishing it!!
- David Welliver, Midway

Local paper is important

Donald L. Hammen reading a copy of the Messenger.

"The person delivering Meals on Wheels to my house made it a point to tell me she reads Stories and Journeys in the Messenger every month. We briefly discussed the column I had just submitted. She laughed when I told her about my $20 bill. She offered her own response to what kindness means to her. Recently I was going through a check-out line at Seward Co-op Friendship Store. The person checking me out made it a point to tell me she enjoyed the column she read in the Southwest Connector which was the "I'm Scared......" column.

"I believe the local paper is important. Right now it is important because I never know what articles, columns or ads are going to inspire me to see things differently or do things differently in my local community life. I am prepared to be surprised by what I find in the local paper – be it the Messenger or Connector." ~ Donald L. Hammen, columnist

Informative and interesting

Thank you for providing a great local paper serving Frogtown and adjacent neighborhoods. Your reporting and other content is always informative and/or interesting. Kudos on your excellent design/layout, as well. 
Paul Wehrwein, Frogtown

Newspaper connects us

Many thanks for all your work to get local stories and events out to our communities! I moved to the Como neighborhood in 2021 as a new homeowner during the pandemic, and I’ve felt so much more connected by having this awesome resource.

I always start reading with the intent to skim, but end up making it through the entire paper each time! The stories of connection and joy, coverage of Como HS, latest update on the historic library debate, and Mr. Giles’ column always leaves me feeling hopeful. As a public health worker during this time, it gives me relief to see the ads for vaccination, fact-based information about COVID-19, and the highlights of cultural wellness initiatives.

Thank you for all that you do!

Emily Regan

New resident enjoys Messenger

As a new resident of the Nokomis East neighborhood, I really am enjoying this publication. Keep up the good work. - Mike Napoli

Thanks for keeping local news alive

It's so wonderful to see local news blossoming again after the loss of the SW Journal and COVID. Thanks for keeping it alive!!! - Michelle Krueger, Diamond Lake resident

Local author loves paper newspapers

Just writing to let you know we did get our paper. Hope your delivery services work out — I myself love a paper newspaper and appreciate reading about what’s happening in the ‘hood.
Lorna Landvik, Nokomis

Valuable news source

I just read the article about the change of delivery service. Sorry to hear!
Thanks for commitment to this valuable news source. I read it cover to cover!
Annie Ittner, Nokomis

Ads in Monitor helped us fill job openings

“Advertising our employment ads with the Monitor was a great way to let members of our community know about job opportunities. We had numerous candidates tell us they saw our ads in the paper and felt encouraged to apply. Both positions have been filled, and we are so excited to expand our team! They were helpful and responded quickly to get our ad out, we could tell they really cared about us. Their design team created a wonderful ad which also incorporated our logo; it looked
appealing and professional. We look forward to advertising with the Monitor again!”
~ Anna Eleria, Capitol Region Watershed District

We support the neighborhood by advertising in the Monitor

Liz Lonetti

Supporting the Monitor is one of many ways for us to support our neighborhood. Our local newspaper allows families in the neighborhood to learn of Career Pathways Secondary School and our individualized learning paths for students in grades 6-12. We want our neighbors to know who we are as a school and why we are special. Our families are happy and kids stay with us. We want each student to feel wanted and known. The Hamline Midway neighborhood is part of our school's identity. Career Pathways recently invested $2,000,000 in remodeling our facilities as a commitment to the Hamline Midway neighborhood. We’re proud to be a part of it and represented in the Monitor.  ~ Liz Lonetti of Career Pathways

Thanks for lifting up voices of the unheard and unempowered

As a community member deeply invested and involved in transformative and racial justice, thank you for your op ed on “unbiased” journalism. I appreciated the layering, the nuance, and the complexity involved but also the simplicity of simply uplifting the voices of the unheard, unempowered, and as equally important as anyone with a platform, funding, and “credentials.” I’ve heard it be said before by a wise mentor, Susan Raffo, that a memory doesn’t get to be a cultural memory until there are at least eight versions of it told. Many perspectives - diverse perspectives - are what allow us to more deeply understand each other - not only our differences but our similarities.

Thank you for uplifting voices on the margin and speaking truth to lies. Of course it is no easy feat nor is it meant to be... it’s in the co-struggling (thank you, Jason Sole) that we emerge a stronger and more unified human community.
With respect,
Michelle Steffen

We read it cover to cover

We just want to say thank you for providing such a wonderful community resource. We look forward to recieving the Monitor, and read it cover to cover every month. It is always chock full of interesting and informative articles. Thanks for turning this into our favorite paper!

Peace, Catrina & Serrily, Como

We reached new customers

Advertising in the Messenger was a great way for us to reach potential new customers in the Longfellow neighborhood. Knowing that the paper was delivered to every household ensured we were reaching a wide audience which was important as we needed to give fair access to our new affordable apartment building. With the help of the Messenger, our new 55+ community was completely full in only 6 months. The team was great to work with as well. - Darcy DeMars, Ecumen

'Free local newspaper is an incredibly valuable part of my life'

I noticed that I haven't received the February edition. I don't mean to complain or be a pain because I seriously appreciate you so much. This free local newspaper is an incredibly valuable part of my life and I want to honor the hard work you all do. Actually, I just convinced myself to make a donation. Anywho, I feel a hole in my heart where the Messenger used to be and I hope it will still be delivered to me in the future.
I appreciate you!
Michael Wilson 

I rely on the Connector, Messenger for my business

Margi MacMurdo-Reading  of Gardening Angel Design

I've been a garden designer and landscape business owner since 1995, but I took a 10-year hiatus in New Zealand from 2004-2015, when I returned to Minneapolis I had to start over from scratch. 
I own a niche business that designs, installs and maintains garden beds and landscaping in general. I love my work! 
Perhaps you've seen my bright blue F150 around the Nokomis neighborhood with "Gardening Angel Garden Design LLC.," my name and phone number emblazoned on it. Well, that's one way I advertise my business but I can't be everywhere all the time, so besides the Longfellow Nokomis Messenger, I also rely on the Southwest Connector for a wider reach my other clients. When the Southwest Journal  went out of business I didn't know what I was going to do, but TMC Publications CO and the Connector really stepped up to the plate. 
The folks in their ad department came up with a fantastic ad graphic that stretches horizontally across the middle of the paper and is quite striking – So much so that  I've already signed up for my 2023 advertising contract. 
I'd like to do a special shout out to Denis Woulfe who puts up with my relentless procrastination – he's one of the easiest and most efficient people I've ever worked with. I'm looking forward to working with Denis and TMC publications again!
Margi MacMurdo-Reading 

We heard about it from the Connector

Thank you SW Connector for letting us know about the Kenny / Armatage Halloween decorations. Well worth the tour and a bonus were the great houses that weren't on the list but nearby. Thank you, Margaret A. Purcell

Newspaper gives us hope

Just finished reading the latest issue of Longfellow Nokomis Messenger. Great job! Thanks for the thoughtful and thorough reportage – your contribution to the community gives us hope for an ever-improving future!!
Best wishes,
Brad Thompson


"Saint Paul Urban Tennis had a great experience working with Denis Woulfe, and we will definitely be doing business with your company again!"

Messenger has my attention

The current issue got my attention with its outstanding coverage of local community issues. The renaming of a street to honor exemplary fire chief John Cheatham along with "The Token POC" column by Abha Karnick serve to heighten my awareness and appreciation of what a small neighborhood publication can do. Russ Henry's article on "How to Create a Food Forest" also prompts thought and hopefully action on food practices. The Messenger has my attention.

Judy Solmonson, Longfellow


Community newspapers continue to be the most-trusted information medium and the go-to source for shopping decisions. Of the respondents in the 2021 Minnesota Market Study, 57% cited the local newspaper as their top resource for making shopping decisions, followed by TV stations (51%), direct mailings (25%),  radio ads (30%), social media sources (28%), magazines (24%) and other websites (18%). The permission-based marketing that newspapers are known for has an average ad recall rate of 54% and 76% ad likability.